Export Slack channel messages to Google Sheet
5 min readAug 27, 2023
Welcome! In this blog, I am going to share how to export your Slack channel message to an Excel sheet using Google App Script. This will help in backing up selected channel messages, and better filtering and visualizing messages in a chart.
And all that you need is,
▹ Slack workspace.
▹Google sheet with App Script.
Slack account changes
Create a New Workspace in Slack or choose an existing one.
- We will be using Slack API to fetch data from the Slack channel.
- Slack has exposed a wide range of APIs that can be used to control our Slack Workspace. To make use of it we need to create a Slack App and integrate it with our workspace. (Here is the documentation on Slack API)
- Go to https://api.slack.com/ and create a new app.
- Choose, From Scratch in the next step.
- Enter a Slack App Name and Pick a Workspace.
- Great, we have created our Slack app. Now we need to generate a User Token which is basically used to authorize our API requests. (Here is the documentation on Slack Tokens).
- Click on Permissions under Add features and functionality.
- Under the Scopes section, we have our User Token Scopes. Enable the following User Tokens.
– channels:history
– users:read
– channels:read
- Click Install to Workspace under OAuth Tokens for Your Workspace section.
- Click Allow in the Next step.
- Now we have successfully created our User OAuth Token, which looks like
it will be used in our API to authenticate our request.
Google Sheet changes
- Create a new Google sheet or choose an existing one, and click Extension -> App Script.
- This will open a new tab in which we are going to add our logic for exporting Slack Channel messages.
- Add the following code to the Code.gs file.
const SHEET_NAME = 'Sheet1'; //Sheet to extract the message goes here
const SLACK_USER_TOKEN = "xoxp-xxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; //Slack user token goes here
const CHANNEL_HISTORY_URL = "https://slack.com/api/conversations.history";
const USER_INFO_URL = "https://slack.com/api/users.info";
const CHANNEL_LIST_URL = "https://slack.com/api/conversations.list";
const WORKSHEET = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName(SHEET_NAME);
const MESSAGE_LIMIT=200;
//This method gets executed on Sheet open.
//It sets the drop down filter for channel name.
function onOpen() {
const googleSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
googleSheet.createMenu('My Menu')
.addItem('Export Channel Message', 'ExportMessage') //Adds MenuClicked menu
let resultSheet = WORKSHEET;
//This method exports channel message to excel sheet
function ExportMessage() {
let resultSheet = WORKSHEET;
let channelName = resultSheet.getRange(SHEET_NAME+'!B1:B1').getValue();
if (channelName === '')
resultSheet.getRange(SHEET_NAME+'!A3:A3').setValue('Channel Messages')
let messageResp = null;
let cursor = '';
let startRow = 4;
do {
messageResp = fetchData(getURL(CHANNEL_HISTORY_URL,
{ "channel":channelName.split(":")[1],
"cursor": cursor }
if (messageResp.has_more) {
cursor = messageResp.response_metadata.next_cursor;
if (messageResp.ok) {
let messages = messageResp.messages;
for(let i=0 ; i < messages.length ; i++) {
let message = modifyMessage(messages[i].text);
resultSheet.getRange(startRow, 1).setValue(message)
//Helper method to change user id to user name
function modifyMessage(messageText){
if (messageText[0] === '<' && messageText[1] === '@' && messageText[13] === '>')
let userID = messageText.substring(2,13);
let userName = slackGetUser(userID);
messageText = messageText.replace("<@" + userID + ">", userName);
return messageText;
//Helper method to get user name using user id
function slackGetUser(userID) {
let userResp = fetchData(getURL(USER_INFO_URL, {"user":userID}));
return userResp.user.profile.real_name;
//Gets all channel name
function generateChannelFilter() {
let resultSheet = WORKSHEET;
resultSheet.getRange(1,1).setValue('Choose Channel:')
let channelResp = fetchData(getURL(CHANNEL_LIST_URL, {}));
let rangeRule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInList(channelResp.channels.map(a=> a.name + ":"+ a.id));
//Helper method to generate URL
function getURL(url, querys) {
let queryParms = '';
for(let key in querys){
queryParms += key + "=" + querys[key] + "&";
if (queryParms !== '')
url += "?" + queryParms.slice(0, -1);
return url;
//Helper method to make API calls
function fetchData(url) {
let options = {
"method": "get",
"headers": {
"Authorization" : "Bearer " + SLACK_USER_TOKEN
let response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
return JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
- Click on Triggers and Create a new Trigger.
- Choose onOpen method in the function to run and the On open option in the Event Type and click Save.
- The next step will request Google Verification, Choose your account, click Advance, and then click Go to DemoAppScript (unsafe).
- Click Allow in the next step.
- This will create a new Trigger for
- Now Refresh your Google sheet
- You’ll have a drop-down in cell B1 to choose the channel, choose the channel in which you want to export the message.
- Also, there will be an additional option in Menu Bar, My Menu. Click on it and choose Export Channel Message.
- This will export all Channel Messages.
This is just a small App Script with start-up logic for exporting Slack Channel messages, modifying theExportMessage
method or modifyMessage
method can help in generating more customized results. The exported messages can be used as a backup.